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In today’s highly competitive marketplace, packaging is more than just a container for a product—it’s a critical touchpoint that can influence a customer’s purchasing decision. Effective packaging design is not only essential for brand consistency and regulatory compliance but also for market success.

However, managing the complex ecosystem of frequently changing packaging artworks and digital assets involved in packaging is quite difficult. There are several things like logos, images, design files, and legal disclaimers that need to be managed. This is where an artwork management solution like WAVE comes into the play, offering a robust solution to streamline packaging processes and solve common challenges in the industry.

5 Common Packaging Challenges and How an Artwork Management Solution Addresses Them

Let’s take a closer look at the 5 most common challenges artwork managers face in packaging and how an artwork management platform can help solve them.

Version Control Issues

One of the most significant challenges in packaging is managing multiple versions of design files. There are several iterations that happen in packaging projects before the design is finalized. Therefore, it’s necessary to have proper version control to avoid incorrect files being used.

How an Artwork Management Platform Helps: WAVE maintains a comprehensive version history of all your digital assets. Users can track changes, revert to previous versions if necessary, and ensure that only the most up-to-date files are used across all packaging projects.

Manual Workflow Bottlenecks

Manual processes in packaging artwork management often result in bottlenecks that slow down the entire workflow. Without a centralized system, teams have to rely on emails, spreadsheets, or manual follow-ups to track project progress. This often leads to delays and missed deadlines due to a lack of visibility into the status of various tasks.

How an Artwork Management Platform Helps: WAVE helps you to manage project deadlines by providing real-time status updates on all projects. This eliminates manual follow-ups and ensures everyone involved has visibility into the project timeline. Automated notifications also help stakeholders know exactly when their input is needed, speeding up the entire process.

Efficiency and Turnaround Time

One of the major challenges for businesses with global operations is to reduce the time for creating and approving the artworks. The traditional manual processes are inefficient and lead to increased costs.

How an Artwork Management Platform Helps: An artwork management platform streamlines the process, increases the team’s efficiency, and reduces the turnaround time. A centralized platform makes it easy to connect with anyone and everyone within the team, ensuring quick communication.

Compliance and Regulatory Challenges

For brands it’s necessary that their packaging comply with various industry regulations, which can vary by region and product type. It’s important to ensure that your packaging meets these requirements to avoid hefty fines, recalls, or legal issues.

How an Artwork Management Platform Helps: WAVE can help you maintain regulatory guidelines alongside packaging assets, making it easier for teams to ensure compliance. You can also create automated checks and approval workflows to meet regulatory standards. This helps you to ensure that all packaging designs are thoroughly checked before they go into production.

Cost Management

Packaging is an important part of a product’s overall cost. Any errors in the packaging design can lead to loss and increased expenses. By reducing the rework and delays, one can manage and reduce the product’s overall cost.

How an Artwork Management Platform Helps: WAVE helps you to reduce costs by minimizing errors and reducing the need for rework. A centralized repository for packaging artwork also helps you cut down on storage costs by eliminating the need for multiple copies of files.

The Benefits of Implementing an Artwork Management Platform in Retail

There are many advantages of using an artwork management solution like WAVE in your packaging workflows that we have discussed below.

Enhanced Efficiency: By centralizing assets and streamlining workflows, an artwork management system significantly reduces the time spent searching for files, managing approvals, and ensuring compliance.

Improved Collaboration: Artwork management platforms foster better collaboration among internal teams and external partners by providing a unified platform for sharing and reviewing assets.

Cost Savings: By minimizing errors, reducing rework, and speeding up the time-to-market, an artwork management system like WAVE can help you with substantial cost savings in packaging projects.

Scalability: As companies grow, so does the complexity of their packaging operations. WAVE is a scalable solution that can handle increasing volumes of assets, users, and projects without compromising performance.


An artwork management solution can help you solve common challenges in packaging. By centralizing digital assets, streamlining workflows, and ensuring compliance, WAVE helps your team work efficiently. There are many benefits of using an artwork management system that we have discussed above. For companies looking to stay competitive in the global market, investing in a robust artwork management platform like WAVE is not just an option—it’s a necessity. Want to know more? Get in Touch.

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