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Your quality sheet helps you to: share and validate quality texts, brief packaging projects and proofread Artworks, update the product repository, etc. (PIM, DAM, e-commerce). With a Word, Excel and PDF format, it overloads the teams with low-value project monitoring tasks and is a major source of errors.

We’d like to present you with an online solution that’s easy to use, with a 3-stage use case:

  • Collect and create a textual database of all your labelling sheets / validated content, making it easy to search and reuse in packaging projects.
  • During proofreading loops and comparison with Artworks / graphic files, validate product information and translations using a dedicated control and annotation tool.
  • Distribute your product data sheets to e-commerce, the quality product repository and print your packaging!

With 5flow: save more than 34% of your product launch time, for 100% validated information.
Conference presented by Christophe FOURCROY, Business Development Manager 5flow / Matthews , at the Packinnove Convention on 3 July 2024 from 9:00 am to 9:30 am Espace Isara Agropole in Lyon.

To register for the conference, click here or contact us:|
Christophe Fourcroy

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